International offshore support

Services for offshore environments

  • Comprehensive after-sales support for oil rigs and other offshore facilities

  • From commissioning to troubleshooting to verification of measurement instruments

  • Preventive maintenance services to ensure reliability and long-term stability of installed base

  • Dedicated team of offshore service engineers ensure quick response and on-site service to keep plant uptime

At a glance

  • Commissioning
  • System loop checks
  • On site repairs
  • OPTICHECK on-site verification
  • Site instrument surveys
  • Preventative maintenance packages
  • Customer specific service agreements
  • Trainings for customers personnel

Your challenge

Offshore platforms such as oil rigs or FPSOs are very cost-intensive assets. They must be highly productive every day, which requires high equipment uptime. This also applies to the installed base of process instrumentation and measurement solutions. Given the harsh environmental conditions involving high mechanical stress and vibration, the measurement technology must be designed, commissioned and serviced in accordance with specific offshore regulations.

Our service

To ensure long-term stable and reliable measurements and a high return on investment in our equipment, KROHNE offers dedicated international offshore support , providing a wide range of after-sales services designed to keep customers' production rates high. Our dedicated international service team can provide quick assistance with everything – from simple troubleshooting of instruments to the optimization of complete measuring systems. The offshore service engineers also assist in identifying potential issues at an early stage, ensuring that service response times are optimised to minimise the impact of planned or unplanned downtime or shutdowns.

Our highly skilled personnel have the knowledge and experience to carry out all aspects of instrument commissioning, including functional and loop checks, through to final instrument handover. Our dedicated offshore service team in Northamptonshire, UK, can also provide service engineers to visit your rig and carry out an instrument health check. This can include on-site verification of flow instruments such as Coriolis, Ultrasonic or electromagnetic flowmeters and level instrumentation without the need to remove the meter from the application. Service Level Agreements for scheduled on-site verification intervals every 3 or 6 months can be offered on request.

Your added value

  • Benefit from a fast-responding dedicated service team for your installed measurement technology
  • Minimise the risk of downtime by using KROHNE preventive maintenance services
  • Tailored KROHNE Service Level Agreements guarantee scope and frequency of services tailored to your requirements
  • Direct support for metering solutions and process instruments to reduce service complexity